What is the game?

The game can be defined as determination of the property of the property by calling at random. Luck is the resulting game of natural powers that no one, but God, can control or calculate. Most games of chance need some degree of competence, for example races. God works, or a human effort, is the natural base of the right of belonging. A certain proportion of ownership should be guaranteed to anyone exercising itself in productive work.

The game is something when players have without constraint to transfer money or other value between them according to the result of any uncertain event in the future.

The Jews opposed games, but the practice of the game was widespread among the Jews since the medieval times. The Roman Church does not consider the game to be something sinful.

The work ethic of Protestants, “however, is in the constant opposition to the game. Fervent Protestants think that games are sinful.

Playing the stock market belongs to the game. This means that the purchase of actions without the idea of ​​investing in societies increases, in the hope that fortunately the value of the stocks will increase.

The game is also particular to man as religion. The Romans as well as the Greeks could play freely. Tacitus in his Germany described the fever of the games of the first German German tribes, who understand their lives at dice. The Encyclopedia of Britannica (article “gambling”) indicates that “the game has existed in each society known to the most complex”. Here is the definition of Games from Britannica: “The game is the Paris or the creation of something of value, with a conscience of risk and hope to win, on the result of a game, a contest or of An uncertain event whose result can be determined. By chance or accident or who may have given an unexpected result because of the bad classcree. “

The simple player does not usually feel that it takes the risk when they risk a small amount that they can afford without deprivation. Twenty dollars to an American middle class is almost nothing. Charitable drawings give the risk taker an excuse for the game and justifying it at the same time by giving money to a good purpose.

Here you can read a number of examples of things with game characteristics but are not in reality. A new stock can have a free promotional drawing to attract new customers. It’s not a game. Those who do profession of searching and entering free competitions, lotteries and poker tournaments illustrate that if you enter enough competitions as much as possible, one day you will become a winner.

The purchase of a rental apartments can not be considered games. Estate values ​​can decrease and increase, but the original buyer provides shelter based on an economic decision, weighing all risks. Speculating individuals in the housing market in the hope of significant income when the market increases. There are a lot of risks we have to take every day that do not play. Insurance, for example, is not a game, but a way to share risks and expenses.

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